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End Fittings & Swivels
for Wire and Synthetic Rope

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Electroline fittings create dependable, high-strength connections for wire and synthetic rope. These swageless terminations can be quickly installed in the field without expensive tools or complicated processes.


Electroline Swivels are used to allow the free rotation of cables and other equipment in a variety of industrial, construction, marine, transmission and distribution applications.  
3000 Series Roller Bearing Swivels
Economical, single roller bearing swivels ideal for short cables.
6000 Series Gold Band™ Swivels
Precision angular contact ball bearings for higher rotational speeds and longer cables.
Oceanic & Specialty Gold Band™ Swivels
Sealed for surface use or pressure compensated for deep sea applications.


Electroline's architectural fittings are easy-to-install swageless terminations that create aesthetically appealing wire rope railings for commercial and residential applications.
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Electroline's products can be custom-engineered to meet your unique project specifications.
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How Swageless Rope Termination Works

Animated illustration of swageless terminations
Slide the sleeve onto the rope…
Fan out the strands, insert plug, close strands around plug...
Apply the socket and tighten...
View strands through the inspection hole.
Quick and Easy Connections

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